Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Story Time

We didn't make it to story time today sadly. Zoe's got a cold, so she's been super clingy and grumpy. I didn't think she'd enjoy herself, nor would I, so we skipped it. My friend Anna sent me some pictures of last week's outing, so I'll share those. It was Halloween, so some of the kids dressed up. I liked this story time, though it's the only one I've been to so I have nothing to compare it to. The girl read a few books and they listened to some music and at the end, before the art project, she had the kids lie down on the rug while she played a slow song and blew bubbles on then. Zoe really liked that. At the end we drew pictures on construction paper with chalk. Maybe we can make it next week.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Yay comments! Now I can be chatty!
Looks like a fun time :-)
Story time is always a little hit or miss but sounds like you've got a good program there!
We've all got colds too :-( Blech.